Sizing Edea Skates
To begin Edea Skates are sized in Mondopoint which is the same a downhill ski boots. Therefore the size refer to the length in centimeters of the sole of the figure skating boots. As a rule of thumb the size 240 for example mean that the sole measure 24.0 centimeters or 240 millimeters, and the insole will be 23.5 centimeters or 235 millimeters. If you are uncertain about the correct for you please contact us, we will be more than happy to help you select the correct size or verify the size you have selected.
The boot for Skating is a technical tool, hence the fitting has to be very accurate.
A correct size boot assures the comfort and enhances the Skating Performance.
The non-correct size boot causes severe problems to your feet and can hamper your Skating efforts.
EDEA Boot Sizes are in millimeters, in steps of 5 millimeters per size, for maximum accuracy. (5 millimeters is slightly less than 1/4", 10 millimeters or 1 centimeter is slightly less than 1/2".)
Your best option for finding your correct sizing, is to be assisted by us.
To get started with sizing, for Skating Boots,
Make a tracing of your feet (both Left and Right). First in a relaxed sitting position, then without moving the heels of the feet, stand and trace the feet again. Keep the pencil in a VERTICAL Position and snug around the feet.
If these drawings are going to be faxed, be sure to accurately measure the distance from the longest point in the toes to the heel and then across the widest part of the ball of the feet (not straight across). When faxing, the images are scaled and will NOT provide accurate sizing information. Measurements can be made in inches, or better yet go ahead and use the other side of the ruler and make them directly in centimeters and millimeters.
The following are points to help with sizing Skating Boots when trying them on:
As a base indication, step into the boot (without lacing them up) and push your foot all the way to the toe, until you touch the tip of the toe of the boot. This will allow for checking how much room is left in the heel area of the boot.
- For a growing foot, it is recommended to leave between 5 to 10 millimeters space.
- For a stable foot, it is recommended to leave no more than a maximum of 5 millimeters space
A. Usually, as a rule of thumb, one (1) finger thickness behind the heel will be about one (1) full size or 10 millimeters. If you can only get your finger thickness behind the heel about half way down, the this is about 1/2 size or 5 millimeters. (This is based on a fairly normal adult hand, and can vary based on the hand size.)
B. Another way to gauge (or double check) the sizing, is to remove the Inner Sole from the Skating Boot and place it under the foot. (Remember the foot will spread and elongate when weight is placed upon it.)
C. Usually it is recommended that one (1) full size or 10 millimeters be allowed for about one (1) years growth, for a growing youth. Sometimes growth spurts will out-grow this norm.
- In a majority of people, if you are Right Handed, then your Right Foot is slightly larger, if you are Left Handed, then your Left Foot may be slightly larger.
A Skating Boot that is too large will pull the ball of the foot into the arch area of the boot. This will cause continual pain to the feet and can lead to premature deformation which may cause damage to your foot support and will definitely affect your Skating ability and performance.
1. Another tell-tail way to tell if the Skating Boot is too large is to have the Skater (with the boots fully laced up) jump straight up and down on both feet. What we are looking for, is to evaluate whether the heel is staying locked into the Heel Pocket of the Skating Boot, or if it is raising up from the bottom of the Skating Boot.
2. Additionally, if the Skating Boot is too large, there will be loss of control and stability of the skate, as the Frame or Blade will (most normally) be sized for the Skating Boot (not necessarily the smaller foot inside). An oversized large Skating Boot, with the longest Frame or Blade that will fit on it, does a great dis-service to the Skater, as it may put the front Axle or Rocker of the Blade under the toes (possibly even under the tips of the toes), instead of the ball of the foot.
Some Skaters like the toe of the Skating Boot to actually touch the tips of the ends of the toes, while others want plenty of toe room and don’t even want to know where the very tip of the toe of the Skating Boot is (usually, somewhere between 5 to 10 millimeters of space, but not any more.)
Parents, Please do not go to an extreme, when purchasing Skating Boots for young GROWING Skaters. If the Skates are TOO LARGE, it will hurt the learning, performance, and even the pleasure of Skating.